This is a CDV of General Rosecran. It is in great shape .But here is a little about The General. Which I found to be interesting.
Rosecrans was assigned engineering duty upon graduation but resigned from the Army in 1854, and became an architect and a civil engineer. His rise in business was astounding. He took over direction of mining in western Virginia (today West Virginia) where his geological surveys pointed with remarkable accuracy to profitable new veins of coal. He became President of a navigation company formed to transport coal. He was also an inventor. Numbered among his inventions were odorless oil, a round lamp wick, a short practical lamp chimney, and a new and economical method of manufacturing soap. While in the laboratory a safety lamp exploded and burned him terribly. He was bedridden for 18 months recovering from the burns. Just as his recovery from burns were coming to a conclusion the Civil War broke out.
His first duties in the war were for the state of Ohio when he became the drillmaster for the 'Marion Rifles'. After which he became the engineering officer that laid the plan for Camp Dennison, Ohio and eventually became the Commanding Officer of the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry